Men who like to date transsexuals are gay ?

Men who like to date transsexuals are gay ?

This is a common question about Men who like to date transsexuals are gay? You will ask yourself especially if you never had your first experience yet, virgin basically. Because a transsexual male to female was once a boy and now transitioning to become a woman. Even more, when the trans girl you having a crush still has her male genitalia, the so-called pre-op transsexual  or non-op condition.

For these reasons, people think that having sex with a transsexual is something about homosexuality or being gay. Is still a question debated nowadays as it was in my teenage. Today I’m 39, and I don’t consider myself gay for the fact that I date transex women only, and my girlfriend is transsexual. I couldn’t care less what people say or think of me. I’ve freed myself from paranoia, and have chosen to be happy, with the person I know she is the right partner for me. I’m not with her to satisfy a sexual fantasy, I truly do love her, and, of course, I like the fact she is transsexual in intimacy.

Am I gay being with a pre-op transsexual girlfriend?

I know the feeling, and for some years in my youth, I felt that way too. Though… I never felt any attraction to men. And when I say men, I mean people who have masculine manners, dress, look and behave like a man. I don’t feel any attraction to muscles, beard and hairs, but the right opposite. And of course, I never felt any feeling that goes beyond mere human friendship for a man. So, am I gay? Am I because I like: transsexual women, ladyboys, transgender, tranny, t-girls, shemale… whatever vulgar name you want to call them? Let’s make a point now…

Are men who like to date transsexuals gay?

I’m sure you know perfectly what you like and who you are, but let me help you out to answer this question. Of course, you may feel attracted to transsexuals for their unique being, but what turns you on of them?

Because they happen to be very feminine, and occasionally even sexier than genetic women. Because they wear sexy clothes, high heels, taking good care of their look, they know to love and how to please men. And this is what turns you on. Isn’t it? Is not because they look like a man that makes you attracted to them. At your eyes, trans ladies simply are the icon of the ultimate sexy bomb, the best of both worlds. You are attracted to a beautiful woman, even though she has a special bonus. Well, this is just one of the reasons that make her special and unique.  And what defines her as a woman of the third sex, not a man.

Right? Then don’t feel bad about yourself my dear trans lover.

Most people are giving too much importance to this little detail, and forgetting that when they go out together, she is just a girl.

Transgender women are a very sensitive person like most ladies out there, living entirely as a woman even being born biologically as a male. They are not a crossdresser, transvestites, drag queen who do it to satisfy a sexual fantasy or for work. Transsexuals, transgender, ladyboys are women by mind and soul, with a heart that knows to love. They are simply women trapped in a wrong body, that wish to align their look with the gender they self-identify, a woman. And this leads us to the next related matter to debunk recurring generalisations, misconceptions and stereotypes.

Transsexual women are not gay men

While it is true that gay men often flap together with transgender and transsexual, there is a disclosure to be made. A gay man doesn’t self-identify as a woman. Yes, some trans women were once gay in their childhood or early teenage, but always felt to belong to the opposite sex. And yes, a gay boy can be effeminate, and likely a bottom, but not living as a woman as transsexual do. Then, there is a big difference in being with a t-girl and a gay man. Though many generalise too much thinking is the same thing, but it’s not. Gay men could be curious to have a sexual experience with a transsexual woman, or just as a temporary alternative.

Gay men usually are not attracted to femininity, but instead to masculinity. Then if you are not attracted by muscles, beard and male manners you surely not gay.

What transsexuals think of trans lovers – Maki Gingoyon

To end this article I think would be good to hear a different point of view, and what if coming from a transsexual woman? 🙂 For this occasion, I want to present you another of my dearest friend. Maki Gingoyon is an Asian transsexual, marketing manager at Myladyboydate, and transgender advocate.

Trans oriented men and transgender awareness

Maki is also spreading awareness about trans-oriented men and transgender relationship, emancipation, and advocacy for LGBT rights on the west side through My transsexual date. Dating service created for westerner guys and transsexual women looking for sincere and serious love commitment.


This is not the definitive guide, explanation, or, however, you want to consider all of this. We all have different points of views, but I wanted to make clear some crucial points. In future articles, I will extend the matter with more stories and details about trans-oriented men and transsexual relationship. There is a topic that I wish to address next articles about pansexuality, which fit the trans attraction.

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Posted in Transsexual dating.

Andrea Del Riva, Italian man, 39 years, digital nomad, trans oriented man, I stand for transgender right. I love Asia and my sweet ladyboy girlfriend. Im the author of this website and other blogs related to transsexual dating. I'm the author of third gender blog dedicated to Asian t-girls at Ladyboy Travel Date . I also collaborate with: Transsexual Date Online project.


    • Hi there Marco, I had a long busy period since I moved back in Asia with my transsexual girlfriend. So i’m a bit late to reply your comment.

      First time, might be a cheap answer mine, but there is always the first time for everything. What matters is that you doing what makes you happy, don’t mind what other says or may think of you. This is what most people are afraid when dating trans women.

      Thanks for the comment!

      P.S. I noticed you are Italian, if you feel more comfortable explaining yourself in your mother language ( i’m Italian too ) feel free to send me an email using the contact page.
      About the subject, I will publish some new comment really soon. Stay tuned 🙂

      • I’m a trans non operated and I don’t have plans on changing anything. I did boobjob and butt and face feminisation, I’m happy this way. I admit though, that receiving attentions to my male genitals it is not somethign that I go crazy… Maybe because I’m pure bottom, but somehow it makes me feel a bit masculine even when i get excited and he grows… ahm, All I want say in the end is that I don’t think men who like trans womens are gay. I and my bf are engaged by 4 years, and we have a regular sexual life, and I never tought for a moment he was gay in the beginning and neither when he give attentions to my willy. It is embarrassing for me sharing this, but you Andrea have inpsired me to openmyself a bit… And after all, on the internet it is much easier to expose oneself intimate matters.

        Just felt to give my contribute thinking of these guys who want trans poeple like me.

  1. I always felt attraction for trans women since I got intimate with a TS dancer in a club I used to go. Though, I’m always been afraid of all those things you mentioned Andrea, I’m glad I’ve found your blogs, very interesting. I hope you will continue its developing, I would like to know more. I feel relieved now, because, even though I never had any gay experience in my life, with a transsexual I would like to have a relationship just like you doing, bf & gf…

    • Thanks for the appreciations Zeddy. But what makes me happier is to hear that it helps. I experienced the same feelings.

      I do believe that better times for transgender community and men who love trans women are near. My hope is that, reaching people trough blogs and media can accelerate the process of emancipation.

  2. Interesting site. I just discovered it. Nice to see all you transphiles out there. You are a unique group. As a masculine gay male, you have my support and admiration for being comfortable in yourselves and not caring what others think. You are also less judgmental and prejudiced. I always hesitate to share my orientation with straight people but if I know someone is a transphile, I am immediately more comfortable being myself. You are definitely NOT gay, unlike some straight homophobes or transphobes who are actually latent homosexuals themselves just too afraid or ashamed to come out. All the best to all of you.

    • You are welcome Joe, I’m glad when people share interesting opinions, enriching the topic.

      The topic is always on debates, and yet is not debated enough I believe. Traditions and conservative mentalities are usually the big walls, that can’t find a little space of open-mindedness to reconsider or adjust outdated convincement.

      What I believe is important, is being aware that we are not all formatted in the same ways, and that we are no longer a nitch.

  3. Thank you for your site, I have really learned alot from you! I have wanted for yrs to have 1 of these beautiful young ladies for dating, loving, caring, and hopefully marriage! I am 58 &Completely hate my spouse!havet had sex in 11 yrs . gripping all the time &bitchy ALL the time. Been with her 30yrs ! I have loved shemales for a long time. I really need a change in my life! Thanks again for your site.

    • It is a recurring case of men who force themselves to live a “Standard” love life, rejecting the idea to have a TSgirlfriend. Ending up later, unhappy with a partner they don’t feel to fit perfectly. I was one of them, for years I refused to recognise what I really would love and like. One day I finally break free. It all happened by getting to know other men braver than me, that had a transsexual girlfriend. Seeing that I was not alone, helped me to make the right decision and accept myself. No regrets after years at all, I knew it was the right thing for me. I’m absolutely happy and comfortable 🙂

      Thanks for your sharing

  4. I was very sad my marriage didn’t work, High school sweethearts,too young, I was in the service away for
    Months, she ran off with someone ealse, I was very heartbroken, I did get to travel with the Air Force being a photographer in the service , ended up in China Japan and the Philippines. I met this Beautiful
    Girl in a restaurant, she was one of the waitresses
    Any way we fell I love. Talking about every thing. Well
    She was drop dead gorgeous Angel face. When she told me she was born male, I was in shock, I kissed her but out of respect I never tried feeling her up. I was like oh no I’m. Gay. I wanted to almost kill her. I thought about it for months, I started to miss her just
    The conversations that we had about things I think she tried to tell me a few times. Well when I went back
    To the restaurant she had quit her job and moved away. An I was mad at myself for not understanding
    That things are not allways just black and white
    I got out of the service and became a cosmetologist and Photographer an photojournalist, I’m. So glad I went to Gordon Phillips, there was this pretty little Italian girl , beautiful. Matter fact I told her that she was going to take the trophies and she did state competition and this time, I made it easy because I’m not confused anymore. She was supermodel drop dead gorgeous Hollyberry Mariah Carey Rihanna hot
    But she taught me, I could not leave her at the bar by herself When I came back I went to the bathroom there were 50 or more drinks always sitting on the bar
    She went to New York I became a supermodel,she was too beautiful for one man
    We are still very good friends. and yes I would marry her or any other. Beautiful trans girl not the be ashamed

    They are women. I’m with a woman. A Wow

    • Thanks for your witness Stephan.

      It happen sometimes we are not ready to face some kind of situations or experiences. Stories like yours are daily chronicles everywhere in the world. However, when it comes to feelings, it always a delicate matter. We are not all ready to assimilate and re-elaborate a new mindset or reconsider an opinion on certain matters right away.

      It takes time, just like in your story. And that’s what I always advise to myself, and to anyone. I”m glad you didn’t end up having a bad reaction, overcoming your fears and preconceives.

      Thanks for your sharing 🙂

  5. Hi my name is Randy and I never really new I felt this way. I like feminine but also feel I’m missing something. I’m not into men but like pretty trans gender women but don’t know where too find one who would care about me as I her.

  6. I find TS women 100 percent more attractive to women. Prettier. Sexier. Better bodies. The sex is mind blowing. And they will never get knocked up

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